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Showing posts from December, 2019

Lionel Messi Barcelona #19 shirt

Waking up to my mother screaming and crying after finding out my oldest sister had passed away from internal bleeding and complications with her liver. All I heard as soon as I woke up we’re the howling cries of my mom. I thought it hurt  Lionel Messi Barcelona #19 shirt   to see her cry, but when she cried like this. I lost it internally. I heard similar cries from my mom on the day that her dad died. It's been 10 years almost to the day and I can still hear her screaming in my headMy mum and dad had flown to the city my grandpa (mum's dad) lived in to be at his bedside when he was taken into hospital. He was 91 so everyone was kind of holding their breath, waiting to see if he would pull through. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Lionel Messi Barcelona #19 shirt SOURCE:  Father's day

South Carolina Football Forever To Thee shirt

Long story short, low blood pressure from being sick, she ended up blacking out and feel into a position which she couldnt breath. I woke up in the morning and found her and called ems, but it was too late. I feel you. One year post Hurricane South Carolina Football Forever To Thee shirt    Florence here. Business was flooded and we are still not back in there. No flood insurance at the time, so I spent the first 6 months after the storm just trying to find a way to finance repairs to the building. There are still people in the community sleeping on family member's couches. Hoping everything continues to come together for you and your loved ones. I had my dr tell me it would hurt “no more than a pap smear.” Dude was a liar. I went in thinking “oh, no big deal. Won’t hurt much” and boy was I wrong. Something I hope to never experience again. BUY THIS SHIRT:  South Carolina Football Forever To Thee shirt SOURCE:   Father's day

2019 Heisman Trophy Award Joe Burrow Winner Signatures shirt

I mean IT has been pretty big in pop culture the last few years. I have 5 and 9 year old girls. They haven’t seen the movie, but they both know who Pennywise is. IT pops up all the time on Netflix, and the promotion has been all over cinemas recently. Doesn’t mean they would ask for a Halloween costume. But I wouldn’t assume kids don’t  2019 Heisman Trophy Award Joe Burrow Winner Signatures shirt   get the reference. Dude I know a kid obsessed with presidents. Loves history. He is 5. It’s not a coincidence that his father is a teacher and very involved in politics. Kids mirror their parents. It’s not a crazy idea that a kid in a household that talks about RBG or anything else to want to be something crazy. There’s a whole lot of judgment going on here about a child and parents unknown to those commenting. While your comment can certainly apply to some parents out there, you have no idea what this kid wanted to be or what her parents decided. For all you know she could’ve said “I wann

2019 Heisman Trophy Award Joe Burrow Winner LSU Tigers Signatures shirt Sweater

I don't know--at the ripe old age of seven, I watched Silence of the Lambs and then Hannibal because I found them hidden away under the television and thought the "butterfly" on the cover looked neat. I genuinely enjoyed it.  2019 Heisman Trophy Award Joe Burrow Winner LSU Tigers Signatures shirt Sweater I don't remember being afraid. My parents were not amused when I earnestly asked my babysitter the next evening if she knew what a cannibal was, and they were even less amused when I wanted to be Clarice for Halloween. Some kids are just weird. Yeah a friend of mine's kid is 6 and LOVES horror. She likes to pick the scariest and creepiest costumes for Halloween. She saw IT, loved it and this costume would be right up her alley. The expression on the face of the kid in the pic makes me think she's on board. BUY THIS SHIRT:  2019 Heisman Trophy Award Joe Burrow Winner LSU Tigers Signatures shirt Sweater SOURCE;  Father's day

Baby Yoda Hug Chicago Bears Shirt Sweater

That story honestly is nuts to me. I don't see how you can write a book and forget writing it. I've written a few for myself and edited them and basically re-written them a few times over and holy shit, how can you forget? That's got to be a lot of booze, I've never done cocaine, so I don't know how that affects memory but damn that's nuts. Baby Yoda Hug Chicago Bears Shirt Sweater  Blackout drunk is a thing, and by his own account he was doing an astonishing amount of booze and coke. People that do this are assholes. This happened when I watched IT the first one and the kid behind me said "Mom, I'm really scared I want to go" and was crying after the first scene. Her daughter also started crying really loudly saying "I want to go" and the mom kept trying to make them be quiet until she gave in and took them out. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Baby Yoda Hug Chicago Bears Shirt Sweater SOURCE:   Father's day

Tom Bra_y The D Is Missing Because It’s In Every Hater’s Mouth shirt Sweater

She's actually at the perfect height to have her entire head punted into next week lol, why a parent would let a kid do that I have no idea According to the comment on the original picture, the kid was dressed up as a vampire last year.  Tom Bra_y The D Is Missing Because It’s In Every Hater’s Mouth shirt Sweater Something tells me this is a family who enjoys spooky stuffI mean, vampires have been cartoonified to the point that it's a reasonable kid's outfit and not necessarily that spooky. I think one based on a movie kids probably shouldn't see is a bit less reasonable. That said, it's totally possible the parents just did a photoshoot with the kid dressed like this or that the kid had seen some images of just the clown and liked it. Yeah, I was Ghostface from Scream for several Halloweens in Elementary School. I didn’t see the movie until high school. But as a kid, the 30 second tv trailers for the Scream movies freaked me out, so I knew exactly what I had to b

Boise State 2019 Mountain West Football Signatures shirt sweater

Its pathetic to me that any parent would have their kid dress up as this. Its also pathetic that a parent would say, but my kid wanted to dress up as that, because that would mean you let your child at 5 watch the movie. Yes! I was in a general unit. Most everyone was nice, but there was like 2 or 3 our of like 10 that gave me a weird vibe. One being my roommate. I hated it. There was nothing to do except take pills and talk in group. The day I knew I was getting out, my mom came to get me. She had to wait 3 hours in the parking lot. When I asked what time I was leaving they kept saying "when your ride gets here" umm I called my mom over an hour ago and shes been sitting outside waiting. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Boise State 2019 Mountain West Football Signatures shirt sweater SOURCE :   snoopy shirt

LSU Joe Burrow 2019 Heisman Trophy Winners Signature shirt sweater

I'm constantly horrified by what people let their kids watch. Kindergartners have seen IT and my kid was like "I wanna see it"! Uh, no. Hell no. Idc it timmy has, timmy's an asshole for startersMy dad would watch gory horror movies when I was single digit ages. I hated Halloween for a long, long time, and it prolly made my phobia worse than it would've been. No, what is truly lame is how you're just assuming that the parents hijacked the kid's costume without a single piece of evidence to back it up solely so you can fulfill you're own selfish need to cry about something that has no real effect on you. I worked at a halloween store. A lot of young kids wanted to be pennywise. I mean y o u n g like a 5 year old wanted to be georgie BUY THIS SHIRT : LSU Joe Burrow 2019 Heisman Trophy Winners Signature shirt sweater SOURCE:  Happy new year shirt

Ohio State Three Cups Champions Logo shirt sweater

My daughter who is almost 4 is obsessed with Anabelle cause she saw a preview for the movie while watched the morning Ohio State Three Cups Champions Logo shirt sweater  local news. Then when we were at the Spirit Halloween Store she saw Pennywise the clown and loved it. So she wanted to be a creepy clown for Halloween. We have done her make up a few times and she loved it, but now, crunch time she wants to be a ballerina. Kids are weird. That's because I don't, I saw it on a post in an online newspaper and thought it too good not to be shared with the people of redditProbably could of gotten more fake points by just posting link. A lot of really good pics. They have America beat. It only took fifteen tries of the parent shouting “no! you’re doing it wrong!” Meanwhile the poor kid just wanted to dress up like a happy shark and go get candy. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Ohio State Three Cups Champions Logo shirt sweater SOURCE:   Merry Christmas shirt

Champion Players Football Signatures shirt sweater

I remember turning to my friend and saying "what the fuck!" too because seriously, who the fuck brings kids to that type of movie.  Champion Players Football Signatures shirt sweater . I feel like kids under the age of 12 shouldn’t be allowed into R rated movies regardless of if a parent is with them or not. I enjoy R rated movies more specifically because there’s less of a chance of annoying kids being in the theater. Back in the day my dad was all about the horror films and gorey stuff, so as a child for me it was Freddy Krueger, Jason, michael myers, etc and the occasional from dusk till dawn. I loved it! These of course were all watched in the comfort of home, never and not once was I brought to the movie theater for a movie like that below the age of 12. I know a 6 year old that watches and LOVES horror movies. Her mother is a big fan of them so she has been watching them her whole life. The only real effect is that thirty years later I'm an adult who loves horror

Lil Uzi Vert Futsal Shuffle 2020 shirt sweater

And I just want to say, as Lil Uzi Vert Futsal Shuffle 2020 shirt sweater ,    an adult with kids that like the Hotel Transylvania movies. They are pretty entertaining movies, with enough adult humor to keep my wife and I entertained while our kids watch them. The Count on Sesame Street and Count Chocula have been doing their things since the early 70s, as well. Dressing your kid up like Jacob would be weird, but vampires in general have long had a kids side. My daughter has always wanted to be spooky stuff for Halloween. Last year was grade one and we were called to either pick her up or change her costume from the school. We brought her to the movies. Absolutely. I had just got back from work (night shift) and found my daughter up before everyone with the makeup more or less completed. We let her go because we didn’t think the other kids would even get the reference. She herself hasn’t even seen the movie but it’s kind of popular to where a random video on YouTube kids would have

Joseph Conners Is Take Over Worthy shirt sweater

Definitely wanna do one Joseph Conners Is Take Over Worthy shirt sweater  of those in the future! Just trying to figure out exactly what I'm going to be able to add to the conversation; I don't want it to be too simple, nor too complex, and I'd like to come up with some tips that mealday preppers haven't heard of yet. Will definitely be coming soon! When I'm trying to be healthy, I appreciate that there's almost as many Dig Inn's as Starbucks nowadays - when I'm trying to sit down, I love Alvin Cailan's place The Usual (not just because he's my friend, it's legit awesome) - when I'm splurging, I hit Del PostoHah I didn't realize people would take that seriously/that I was such an amazing actor! That vat was actually bubbling from fermentation, and was room temperature - if it were actually boiling, I mighta lost that finger! BUY THIS SHIRT:  Joseph Conners Is Take Over Worthy shirt sweater SOURCE:   Merry Christmas shirt

Will Suck Dick For Socialism shirt sweater

Does it taste like soap to you? Coming from Mexico, it blew my mind when I learned that there are people who taste soap when eating cilantro.  Will Suck Dick For Socialism shirt sweater So I hate Cilantro (or Coriander as us Indians call it), but it never tasted like soap, just bad and especially in large quantities. My main gripe is how it significantly alters the taste of a dish. It is very overpowering. Thats usually the "soap" like taste people are talking about. Basically its an astringent and overpowering flavor not necessarily literally tasting like soap. Thank you! Gotta be Alton Brown, J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, and the folks over at America's Test Kitchen - all huge minds and vast resources of cooking knowledge. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Will Suck Dick For Socialism shirt sweater SOURCE:  Merry Christmas shirt

Tampa Bay Lightning baby Yoda shirt sweater

Believe it, sister - he's a lil more relaxed off camera, he's a way better cook than I am, and he's a mountain man that could carry you into the sunset like you were a baby lamb. I'm still trying to convert people in my life to the channel. They don't get that it's like celebrity status and they think it's some quaint YouTube thing, like NO BITCH this the real deal! Miss me w/ your Food Network! I agree, the chemistry has really been there the past couple episodes. My favorite was when brad first called him by name and back pedaled and said "too soon, I cant name the cameraman yet" or something to that affect. BUY THIS SHIRT : Tampa Bay Lightning baby Yoda shirt sweater SOURCE:   Merry Christmas shirt

Houston Texans girl like a normal girl except much cooler shirt sweater

Whether because of a food you didnt like,  Houston Texans girl like a normal girl except much cooler shirt sweater a recipe that wasn't worth the hassle, or even the backlash you got because of how you prepared someone's hometown staple. Either apple pie (because I was stoned af doing the voice-over and you can DEFINITELY hear it), or the Harry Potter special (because I'm a dingus and didn't realize the pumpkin pasty was savory). Definitely hand-pulled noodles - Jess was there for the whole process, and she'll tell you that I was a man apart by the end of those two days. The most delicious was probably the mojo pork from the Cubano episode, and it's got a contender coming up soon: I put my own spin on Mirage's glazed pork chops from Apex Legends, and it was far and away the best pork I've ever made! ' BU YTHIS SHIRT:  Houston Texans girl like a normal girl except much cooler shirt sweater SOURCE:  Merry Christmas shirt

The Muppets Drummer Battle shirt sweater

No. If they are tried for and convicted of felonies, it carries all sorts of repercussions that affect them much more. If anyone is breaking the law, they should absolutely be reported to authorities and tried in court. What part of it? It’s not a call for violence, or anything similar. It’s someone saying they are fed up enough to get more politically involved by protesting. If that scares you, then I have to wonder what you think is an acceptable way for someone to make their opinion known. So, it's several hours later. Are they in jail yet? How did that scene in the hearing end? Did they just adjourn for the day?? Did Schiff have them removed? Where are these Republicans RIGHT NOW? Home as if nothing happened? BUY THIS SHIRT:  The Muppets Drummer Battle shirt sweater SOURCE:  Merry Christmas shirt

Fuller House thank you for the memories signature shirt sweater

There were already over a dozen Republicans in the hearing. They just let them in and then threw a obviously fake tantrum  Fuller House thank you for the memories signature shirt sweater about not being allowed in the hearing they were already in. What clowns. There are 49 Republicans serving on the three committees conducting the hearings. 13 of them participated in this stunt, even though they already have access to the hearings by virtue of their committee membership. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Fuller House thank you for the memories signature shirt sweater SOURCE: Merry Christmas shirt

Once upon a time there was a Woman who really loved Dogs and Dragonflies shirt sweater

.if I had the chance to punch anyone in Washington in the face, it would absolutely be Matt Gaetz. There are other deserving people on my  Once upon a time there was a Woman who really loved Dogs and Dragonflies shirt sweater punch in the face list, like Donny jr., Tucker Carlson, Trump, Moscow Mitch and so on. But I would part the Red Sea for a chance to knock his fucking teeth out. This makes me so angry. Definatly giving his office a call about it tomorrow. Not much but it's what we can do until it comes time to vote. That and I have been looking into trying to get more democratic events in the area. I plan to hold a debate watch party or something for the next debate. I know, I vote every year. Though if I remember right in this area Democrats have maybe 1/4 of the vote. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Once upon a time there was a Woman who really loved Dogs and Dragonflies shirt sweater SOURCe:  Merry Christmas shirt

President Donald Trump Dallas Cowboys shirt Sweater

  If I see a no-gun sign at a Starbucks full of vagrants I’m walking in with my gun on me.If I’m going to a court house or stadium with cops everywhere the gun stays in the car, because there’s proper security.The fact that people think a sticker on a door constitutes any sort of protection or that it waives liabilities is plain dumb.To legally put up a no gun sign, you should have two armed security and metal detectors at the minimum. I am a city employee. We are not allowed to carry weapons of any kind. That being said, we are not thoroughly President Donald Trump Dallas Cowboys shirt Sweater :  checked and no one entering our building gets physically checked for them. I expect a big meeting next week to discuss the status quo.I wish I knew the answer to shootings in America. But no matter what, every solution comes with flaws. The only thing I can think of is that those diagnosed with a mental illness should be banned from purchase and usage of firearms but even then that feels di

San Francisco 49ers Come To The 49ers Side Shirt Sweater

  Some other troubled person getting inspired by the shooter's story to go on their own joy-ride killing spree is the last thing we need.11 confirmed dead, suspect also deceased (12 total including suspect). Six injured, no status of the condition on the injured victims. Shooter was a current employee. FBI is now involved due to the “scope and intensity” of the scene.I used to live in an apartment complex right across the street from the  San Francisco 49ers Come To The 49ers Side Shirt Sweater Virginia Beach courthouses. When I first heard of the situation unfolding I first assumed it was an attempted escape attempt or something like that from a criminal. Did not expect an ex-employee(from what I've heard). As soon as I heard the news I informed my Pokemon GO group to avoid the area (it's actually a really good area for Pokemon). My girlfriend's mom works for the city who has department coworkers in that building. Hoping they are all safe. BUY THIS SHIRT : San Fran

Duck Season Devlin Hodges Pittsburgh Steelers Shirt Sweater

They ask why kids have more anxiety and young adults. I'm 29. I swear I used to be less cautious about things. Now I feel like I'm always on high alert. When I go out, I always try to see if people are being suspicous around me.. Duck Season Devlin Hodges Pittsburgh Steelers Shirt Sweater  That shit gives me anxiety. I live in Maryland so this isn't that far. RIP to the victims. Such a tragedy man.They ask why kids have more anxiety and young adults. I'm 29. I swear I used to be less cautious about things. BUY THIS SHRT:  Duck Season Devlin Hodges Pittsburgh Steelers Shirt Sweater SOURCE:  - LBGT shirt

Merry Christmas Football Is My Favorite Season Pittsburgh Steeler shirt Sweater

I want to say thank you to all for the tremendous amount of support. I'm not sure how yet, but if you can show your support for the victims' families. I, fortunately, get to walk away with my life. That's all I can ask for right now. My family is hyperventilating right now, but they get to see me tomorrow morning. The victims' families do not, they lost loved ones to an unexpected and dreadful event. They are the ones who need all and any support that  Merry Christmas Football Is My Favorite Season Pittsburgh Steeler shirt Sweater can be given.Removing my political opinion, I made it out of anger and it's not helpful to anyone in this moment. Wow, Just want to thank everyone again for the tremendous amount of support. The shooter's name was released and I actually briefly worked with him via email on one of his pump stations. Crazy to thank that such evil could come from someone you work with and pass in the hallway.But I wonder if something could have been do

Buffalo Bills 2019 NFL Playoffs shirt Sweater

Edit: Since people asking obviously live nowhere near a real city: city traffic is a thing. He lived 30 miles outside of Seattle and with traffic it took 2 hours. I drove through an ice storm into work on January 2 (which is a big deal in Fort Worth),  Buffalo Bills 2019 NFL Playoffs shirt Sweater worked for an hour only for the guy from corporate to come in with my manager (who had been blindsided) and announce that the owner decided to close down our location over the holiday.Needless to say we were all a little upset.The guy who owned the store I worked at is notorious for closing businesses without warning or operating them at a loss to write off on his taxes (he runs a medical holdings company that is his bread and butter apparently) so I guess I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was, but still. Fuck that guy. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Buffalo Bills 2019 NFL Playoffs shirt Sweater SOURCE :  - LBGT shirt

Buffalo Bills 2019 NFL Playoffs Bound Chip Shot shirt Sweater

Maybe people are more prone to snap because they deal with the flesh-devouring jaws of corporate America, sacrificing life and health, only to be dumped on the side of the road when their carcass is clean? Have been in the seat of being let go too many times. Next time, I’m pulling out my extremely bulky penis, and pissing on the carpet right in front of them. No one gets hurtThe problem with this idea is that they are going to have plenty  Buffalo Bills 2019 NFL Playoffs Bound Chip Shot shirt Sweater of time to sit and think about it while looking for work..all week and/or weekend. We're in the digital age, you get fired on any day you can start looking for new jobs online immediately or take time to off. Doesn't matter the day. They only difference with Friday is that many people are preparing to relax and take a break from work so that could be a good thing or bad BUY THIS SHIRT : Buffalo Bills 2019 NFL Playoffs Bound Chip Shot shirt Sweater SOURCE:  - LBGT shirt

Wisconsin Badgers Football 2020 Rose Bowl Bound Tackle shirt Sweater

Link’s Awakening holds up  very  well too. They’re pretty comparable in quality. In a way it even improves on the mechanics introduced in LttP. You won’t be disappointed. I have such a hard time deciding which one I like better, links awakening or LTTP. Luckily I get to play both this month! LTTP has been around for 25 years and nothing has been Wisconsin Badgers Football 2020 Rose Bowl Bound Tackle shirt Sweater  stopping anyone from playing it officially or otherwise so I don't see why it would change your mind for playing Links Awakening. It’s my favorite game of all time, I’ve bought every rerelease and have beaten it so many times. Can’t wait to start again tomorrow! It also speaks poorly about him. Who loans out guns to friends for "protection"? If a friend can't get there own gun there's a reason, and if said friend does something stupid/illegal with YOUR gun YOU are on the hook for what said friend does with it. BUY THIS SHIRT :  Wisconsin Badgers Foot

I Wish Trump Would Buy The Cowboys And Make Then Great Again shirt Sweater

Two years ago almost to the day i had been pulling an all-nighter to set my schedule, and at 4 in the morning i heard my mom's screams when she found my dad. It was entirely unexpected, and he had been fine the night before. SUDS from diabetes complications. That morning is ingrained in my mind. Four months ago I had to tell the doctor to turn off my husband's life support, then I lay with my head on his chest as he took his final breath. I Wish Trump Would Buy The Cowboys And Make Then Great Again shirt Sweater  I never want to be faced with that again even though I was 100% certain it was right. Yes. God yes. Awful stupid things. And I know people who have awful diets that consist of just chugging pop all the time or that sort of habits and they never get them. I drink water like a damn ocean creature all the time and I still get them. BUY THIS SHIRT:  I Wish Trump Would Buy The Cowboys And Make Then Great Again shirt Sweater SOURCE : Happy new year shirt

Philadelphia 76ers all-time Greats Players Signatures shirt Sweater

Waking up to my mother screaming and crying after finding out my oldest sister had passed away from internal bleeding and complications with her liver. All I heard as soon as I woke up we’re the howling cries of my mom. I thought it hurt to see Philadelphia 76ers all-time Greats Players Signatures shirt Sweater  her cry, but when she cried like this. I lost it internally. I heard similar cries from my mom on the day that her dad died. It's been 10 years almost to the day and I can still hear her screaming in my headMy mum and dad had flown to the city my grandpa (mum's dad) lived in to be at his bedside when he was taken into hospital. He was 91 so everyone was kind of holding their breath, waiting to see if he would pull through. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Philadelphia 76ers all-time Greats Players Signatures shirt Sweater SOURCE:  Happy new year shirt

Lionel Messi Champion Signature shirt Sweater

Long story short, low blood pressure from being sick, she ended up blacking out and feel into a position which she couldnt breath. I woke up in the morning and found her and called ems, but it was too late. I feel you. One year post Hurricane Florence here. Business was flooded and we are still not back in there. No flood insurance at the time,    Lionel Messi Champion Signature shirt Sweater   so I spent the first 6 months after the storm just trying to find a way to finance repairs to the building. There are still people in the community sleeping on family member's couches. Hoping everything continues to come together for you and your loved ones. I had my dr tell me it would hurt “no more than a pap smear.” Dude was a liar. I went in thinking “oh, no big deal. Won’t hurt much” and boy was I wrong. Something I hope to never experience again. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Lionel Messi Champion Signature shirt Sweater SOURCE:   Happy new year shirt

Clemson Tigers 2019 ACC Football Champions shirt Sweater

I mean IT has been pretty big in pop culture the last few years. I have 5 and 9 year old girls. They haven’t seen the movie, but they both know who Pennywise is. IT pops up all the time on Netflix, and the promotion has been all over cinemas recently. Doesn’t mean they would ask for a Halloween costume. But I wouldn’t assume kids don’t  Clemson Tigers 2019 ACC Football Champions shirt Sweater get the reference. Dude I know a kid obsessed with presidents. Loves history. He is 5. It’s not a coincidence that his father is a teacher and very involved in politics. Kids mirror their parents. It’s not a crazy idea that a kid in a household that talks about RBG or anything else to want to be something crazy. There’s a whole lot of judgment going on here about a child and parents unknown to those commenting. While your comment can certainly apply to some parents out there, you have no idea what this kid wanted to be or what her parents decided. For all you know she could’ve said “I wanna be a

Kansas City Chiefs Santa Chibi Christmas shirt Sweater

I don't know--at the ripe old age of seven, I watched Silence of the Lambs and then Hannibal because I found them hidden away under the television and thought the "butterfly" on the cover looked neat. I genuinely enjoyed it Kansas City Chiefs Santa Chibi Christmas shirt Sweater    I don't remember being afraid. My parents were not amused when I earnestly asked my babysitter the next evening if she knew what a cannibal was, and they were even less amused when I wanted to be Clarice for Halloween. Some kids are just weird. Yeah a friend of mine's kid is 6 and LOVES horror. She likes to pick the scariest and creepiest costumes for Halloween. She saw IT, loved it and this costume would be right up her alley. The expression on the face of the kid in the pic makes me think she's on board. BUY THIS SHIRT:  Kansas City Chiefs Santa Chibi Christmas shirt Sweater SOURCE:

West Virginia Mountaineers Football shirt Sweater

That story honestly is nuts to me. I don't see how you can write a book and forget writing it. I've written a few for myself and edited them and basically re-written them a few times over and holy shit, how can you forget? That's got to be a lot of booze,  West Virginia Mountaineers Football shirt Sweater I've never done cocaine, so I don't know how that affects memory but damn that's nuts. Blackout drunk is a thing, and by his own account he was doing an astonishing amount of booze and coke. People that do this are assholes. This happened when I watched IT the first one and the kid behind me said "Mom, I'm really scared I want to go" and was crying after the first scene. Her daughter also started crying really loudly saying "I want to go" and the mom kept trying to make them be quiet until she gave in and took them out. BUY THIS SHIRT:  West Virginia Mountaineers Football shirt Sweater SOURCE:   Happy new year shirt

I Know I Ski Like An Old Man Try To Keep Up shirt Sweater

She's actually at the perfect height to have her entire head punted into next week lol, why a parent would let a kid do that I have no idea According to the comment on the original picture, the kid was dressed up as a vampire last year. I Know I Ski Like An Old Man Try To Keep Up shirt Sweater ,  Something tells me this is a family who enjoys spooky stuffI mean, vampires have been cartoonified to the point that it's a reasonable kid's outfit and not necessarily that spooky. I think one based on a movie kids probably shouldn't see is a bit less reasonable. That said, it's totally possible the parents just did a photoshoot with the kid dressed like this or that the kid had seen some images of just the clown and liked it. Yeah, I was Ghostface from Scream for several Halloweens in Elementary School. I didn’t see the movie until high school. But as a kid, the 30 second tv trailers for the Scream movies freaked me out, so I knew exactly what I had to be if I wanted to

Don’t Mess With Me Nancy Pelosi Shirt Sweater

Trying to source durian during the off-season was a goddamn nightmare - the only one I managed to find was whole, frozen, and in fucking Bay Ridge brooklyn (at the time, I lived in Harlem, so that was a trek). For most hard-to-source Don’t Mess With Me Nancy Pelosi Shirt Sweater  ingredients nowadays, I'm able to hop over to chinatown! They got all the coolest stuff there. They're basically a mishmash of my favorite recipes/ones that I've found through research, and totally depend on the subject matter: for instance, apple strudel from  Inglourious Basterds  was the result of reaching a whole bunch of blogs where folks were posting their oma's secret recipes, and creating an amalgam of the things I learned there. Milk steak, however, was just me messing around the ol' kitchen late at night! BUY THIS SHIRT : Don’t Mess With Me Nancy Pelosi Shirt Sweater SOURCE:   Birthday shirt