We cant allow ourselves
to become numb to this. Before you crack open that beer tonight or before you
go out on that date night dont forget 11 people just stared at their clock at
their shitty job waiting to go home and got shot to death before they got a
chance to enjoy the weekend and ultimately the rest of their lives. This shit
is terrible.If 20+ elementary kids being shot and killed doesn't do anything,
nothing will. Oh wait. Thoughts and prayers.If that didn't do anything for the
gun debate then nothing will.Primary school kids getting shot didn't result in
the nation coming together then all these other shootings definitely won't.The
fact that sandy Hook is now referred by some as a huge red flag says it all
about the mentality about the other side.Thoughts and prayers are said like a
cliche.I'm sorry America but I don't think you'll ever get rid of this
curse.here’s not really much to say. People are at work, asshole comes in with
a gun he may or may not have the legal ability to possess and fires. At the
risk of “normalizing” it, I ask, what are “we” (people across the country and
the world) supposed to do with the knowledge of this incident?These incidents
are normally cause for celebration for the media, who perpetuate the excitement
and lure for assholes like the shooter here.
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