I live in a popular vacation destination and lack of affordable
housing is killing our community. Our homeless population is huge, and even
people who have decent jobs can’t afford a home in the area (I have a
government job and I can’t!) while the multi million dollar waterfront homes
sit empty for nine months out of the year. The towns consistently vote not to
add affordable housing, but then complain about the homeless and wonder why
young people are leaving the community. Before long, there won’t be anyone left
to serve the tourists. It breaks my heart.If we accept that there are excess profits in housing, who
decides what is excess? Once that decision is made, who will invest to build
housing that yields that profit. And once that housing has been built, what
limits the municipality from increasing the tax burden and reducing those
profits. Which leads to the question of how to adjust those limits based upon
the fiscal environment.
If everyone is
entitled to affordable housing,
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SOURCE: https://teefefe.com
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