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San Francisco 49ers 5 time Super Bowl Champions shirt

what are the responsibilities of those entitled?How much can home owners control what is built next to or near them? How does the level of that control throttle home value/prices. Would you prefer a whorehouse next door or a mansion? Again, who decides? The muni? The bank? The guy with money?One of the great drivers of housing in the last few decades has been the level of the local school districts? Do we try to fix those differences first?Another of the drivers of housing has been proximity to jobs/city services? Do we try to fix rapid transit to relieve housing pressure on certain areas?If immigration is thought to cause some excesses, If all human beings are equal, they all have the same rights by virtue of their shared nature. If government exists to guarantee that right to housing, how would it be able to discriminate on the basis of income who can/cannot receive a government house?Do only poor people have a right to a government house? What if a person making 60k wants a government house? Is the person making 60k somehow less of a human being? Does he not have a right inherent in his nature to government housing?

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